Rhythm, music would be meaningless without it, rhyming would be off and time would cease to tick. Our world is full of Rhythm...evening and morning, winter, spring, summer and autumn. We even have our own rhythmic rituals. As I have been challenged to grow and be intentional regarding my own spiritual formation, I have come to discover one of the many jewels in the treasury of the Church, the christian calendar. In my own protestant tradition we saw the christian calendar as another meaningless ritual and a bunch of fraudulent holidays. However, as I have sought to live my life rooted in God's narrative, I have come to recognize the genius in the rhythm of the christian calendar. It not only proclaims the gospel story, but it calls out to us to learn, remember, celebrate, and live within it.
Currently we are in the season of Advent, which means arrival or coming. It is when the people of God look back with expectancy to the day when the eternal Son entered into the temporal world, and it also when we look forward with anticipation to His coming again to restore justice, to make everything right!
So far my wife and I have been diving fully into the season as well as retelling and reliving the story with our younglings ( and we got four of em!). It has been quite the journey, we gravitate between the poles of "c'mon guys don't you get it" and "wow I think they actually got it". Sounds like a familiar story huh. Anyways I hope you find your hearts brimming with Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love as you to relive and retell His Story.....our story.